It's great news for us
to have you joining
our webinar
Listening to your dreams. 

We are very excited to see what new things we will uncover together.
We can't wait! See you soon 🙂 
Nikon & Kate

April 25th
US PST - 7am, US EST - 10am, London - 3pm, Prague - 4pm, Bangkok - 9pm

This free webinar is part of the change we want to bring to the world.
We want a better listening world.
We are starting this change in Prague on 24-26 May as part of The Listening World Summit 2024. Will you be there live or online?

Change the way you listen … and the entire world will change.

Listening is a simple skill that we are all born with. A skill that we often underestimate and do not use in a right way. 

If you wish a better life, there is no need to change the world, others or yourself. What is worth changing though is how deeply you can listen. That is the reason why we decided to organize the first international summit dedicated to listening. The event where you can experience how to listen even better behind the words. We created a space for a new beginning - better relationships, more efficiency, better health.  Join us to make the first step towards goodwill and understanding.

Let us create a world together where we all listen better.