How to Make
the Impossible Possible

with Michael Neill

The Listening World Summit 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

Sunday, May 26, 2024
9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (includes breaks)

Are you ready to bring your dreams to life?

Over the past decade, tens of thousands of people have joined international speaker, author and catalyst Michael Neill to get their dreams out of their heads and into the world through his book and online program, “Creating the Impossible”. They’ve used the program to create new jobs, new relationships, and new income. Other participants have gotten married, lost weight, started non-profits, broken habits, invented products, left bad situations, and moved on with their lives in ways they hadn’t imagined possible.

Above all, they’ve created a whole new relationship with themselves and the creative process that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Now, you can join Michael live in Prague for a powerful day long exploration into how to make the impossible possible in your world and the world at large. You’ll discover what can happen when you step into your true self and align your hopes and dreams with the powerfully catalytic energy of life itself. 


Topics covered will include:

  • How being yourself is the key to making your dreams come true
  • Why it’s easier to create what you actually want than what you think you can get
  • The momentous power of daily creation
  • How to listen to your heart and the guidance of your soul

What would you love to see come into being in your world that until now has only existed
as a thought in your head?

What impossible dreams do you have for our beautiful planet?

Are you ready to begin?

"Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare."

John C Maxwell, American leadership expert, inspirational speaker


Dr. Sara Joy O'Neill

If you want to bring a creative vision for your life or for the wider world into being, this is the program for you.

I have been and have thought of myself as creative my whole life. However, when it came to projects that were seemingly impossible or visions dear to my heart, I would get stuck. Nothing or only half-done dreams would emerge. I felt like I could only be creative or artistic in certain areas at certain times
and even then, I would be afraid of getting blocked.
I had begun to feel cynical about the whole thing. Big dreams were for other people.
Michael Neills Creating The Impossible program blew all of that apart.

Now, I feel myself as an aspect of the creative force of the Universe. I am creative and nothing is impossible.

Creating in concert with the energy at the heart of life is a literal miracle. Iam hooked. I learned from myself
what my creative process looks like, how I can tap into this power and bring into being all my
impossible dreams. Every day.

Kateřina Fišerová 

As part of my Creating The Impossible project this year, I decided to organize a The Listening World Summit and Conference to assist people in tuning into others and themselves. The idea stemmed from our Czech Listens movement, and we had a team of facilitators and coaches delivering listening workshops in 6 countries across the globe. Could we accomplish the impossible and host a large-scale global conference to positively impact the world?

In my journey to create an impossible project,
I learned a lot about myself and a lot about creation itself. I learned how to tap into the creative potential of life and how to align myself with life to bring this beautiful understanding of listening to all people.

Thank you, Michael, for being a guide to the space where anything might happen, and everyday does.


Do you want to have real impact and create the impossible, globally?

Join the Listening World Summit 2024 in Prague 24-26th May


VIP ticket to The Listening World Summit 2024

24-25th May in Prague


Workshop How to Make the Impossible Possible

26th May in Prague

VIP package includes:

  • Participation on the workshop HOW TO MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE (26th May)
  • FRONT ROWS SEAT for 2 days of the conference (24-25th May)
  • 3-day access to the venue open spaces for meeting, listening and creating with others

CZK 13,000

(Approximately $555 / €519

Workshop How to Make the Impossible Possible

26th May in Prague

CZK 7,500

(Approximately $320 / €299)

about michael neill 

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster and speaker who is said to have a unique ability to "connect the sacred with the profane." The inner understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure and other symptoms of "seriousness" are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed in any area of life.

In his role as CEO of Genius Catalyst Inc. from its founding in the UK in 1990 to its establishment in the US in 2007, Michael spearheaded its growth from a consulting firm to a multimedia organization that serves tens of thousands of loyal customers each year through live training, online courses and self-study programs.

He has also served as a coach, advisor, friend, mentor and creative spark to founders, CEOs, celebrities, royalty and those who make a difference in the world for more than three decades. His global clientele is broad and diverse, having served clients in North America, the UK, Europe and the Middle East in the investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, entertainment and media industries, among others. He is consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins and other industry legends among the top 30 thought leaders in coaching in the world and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields.

Michael is a gifted speaker and bestselling author of six books, including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public lectures, retreats, and seminars have influenced and changed lives at the United Nations and in more than 60 countries and on six continents. His TEDx talk "Why Aren't We Awesomer?" and "Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?" have been seen by more than two million people worldwide, and his blog and podcast Caffeine for the Soul have been entertaining and inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years.