the listening world
We listen with our hearts 2024
Already at the end of May (24.-26.5.2024) there will be 1st International Summit
Listening with the Heart 2024
We are expecting 2 days of packed program + 1 day of workscopes.
Coaches, psychologists, mentors and successful CEOs will share with us key insights into the art of listening - whether it is listening to others, to yourself or to life in general. The entire event will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Czech to make it accessible to all.
1) Those who let us know about groups of people who impact other people
Do you also know someone who should not miss the Summit? Write to us about him or her:
2) Those who
And they will come to see us in person at the Prague Congress Centre on 24-26 May.
3) But to those as well,
We appreciate every donation we receive to support this event, whether financial or non-financial.
Thanks to the Summit, we will be able to fund long-term projects that are there for each of you: the Czech Republic Listens, the Port of Understanding, the Happy School. Now you can help us financially support them too.
Thank you for your financial donations to support the Summit
the listening world
Thanks to Czech and foreign donors:
Margitě Jurinové, Zuzaně Zelené, Lence Polachové, Monice Mikyškové, Karíně Kurkové, Aleně Chválkové, Vieře Debnárové, Bohunce Svobodové, Kataríně Ivaničové, Daně Trčkové, Radomírovi Pindorovi, Marii Zahradníkové, společnosti Simplypro s.r.o., Vlastě Chalanyové, Janě Pavlasové, Lucii Grznár Kormošové, společnosti JV realizace, Pavlíně Smutné, Ivě Daškové, Jitce Henkeové, Janě Koščové, Elišce Uhlíkové, Aleně Kačírkové, společnosti GtoG, s.r.o., Erikovi Holubcovi, Martině Daňkové, společnosti Chovatelské potřeby, Klare Hosszuretyove, Jiřině Krošlakové, Janě Koláčkové Vlníkové, Ivetě Geisselové, Petře Bárové, Marii Březinové, Nadě Železné, AQVA Life s.r.o., Vlaďka Břachová, Karel Mrkva
Susie Corbett, Karen Richer, Elene Skytte, Roger Nilson, Tamsin Butters, Rossana Carrasco, Theo Redfern-Nichols, Begona Arcelus, Declan Stout, Irina Veber, Petra Wranik, Linda Bianca de Wilt, Becky TAVERNOR, Susan Poole, Susana Klepsch, Isabelle_Jeanne Caratti, Isa Aepli, Michael Rosengren, Peter Mohan, Sally Guenther, Viktoria Komlosi, Hafiz Bhimji, Sue Colbourne, kunst&coaching, Iris Nahemow, Kimberly Coninx, Carla Hay Perdue, William Hutcherson, ITZIAR ARCELUS DE DIEGO,
Thank you also:
To Bernard
Bernard is a family brewery with a long tradition. We thank you for your very generous financial donation, which we appreciate very much.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To Pavel Pola
Email marketing specialist and transformative coach.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To Kateřina Fišerová
Certified Transformational Coach at SuperCoach Academy and 3P mentor.
Thank you for the financial donation.
To Martin Strouhal
Developer and architect of SmartEmailing.
Thank you for the financial donation.
To Karolina Kofroňová and Pavel Kofroň
Certified transformational coach and mentor with her husband.
Thank you for the financial donation.
To Martin Jotov
Martin is the CEO of the nanotechnology company IQS Group, a certified transformational coach and the vice-chairman of the association.
His vision is a world where understanding the mind is a normal part of life - in schools, work, sports, families, ...
Thank you for your financial donation.
To Jablíčko - family centre
A space where mothers and children are listened to, their needs, what they are experiencing, what they are dealing with in their lives and what brings them joy and situations in which they themselves do not know the solution. Apple belongs to the expert team of the new child protection legislation.
They focus on the whole family, from 0 - 100 years old.
To endowment fund Šťastné Česko and to David Kirš
The Happy Czechia Foundation initiates and moderates an inclusive discussion on happiness and well-being. We want indicators of happiness and wellbeing to complement economic ones (GDP), as has happened in New Zealand, Scotland, Bhutan or Iceland, and become a guide for decision-making processes of individuals, communities and society as a whole.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To SmartEmailing
SmartEmailing is an intelligent emailing platform with advanced automation that prides itself on reliability and guarantees deliverability up to 99.9%.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To TTC Real Estate
TTC REAL ESTATE, a.s. provides management, rental, reconstruction and modernization of properties owned by the TTC Group and other properties entrusted to it.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To Etneteřa Activate
Company offering services in the field of email marketing, web and mobile analytics and last but not least data analytics.
They help tap the potential hidden in the data of e-stores, portals, loyalty programs, email databases and other corners of online projects. They deal with how to collect, consolidate and leverage data for action.
Thank you for your financial donation.
To Congress centre Prague
The Prague Congress Centre is an event venue that does not limit us to the number of participants who can attend live.
Thank you for providing us with the space.
To AffilBoxu
AffilBox is a simple tool that helps you create a network of affiliates. They will promote and sell your product and help you grow your business.
Thank you for providing the app.
To Porozumění mysli
Understanding the Mind is an organization dedicated to education in understanding the workings of the human mind. It builds primarily on the teachings of Syd Banks and the principles he articulated, which are the backdrop to the human experience. It helps people remember their innate ability to live a happy and fulfilled life.
Inner peace, happiness, love and unlimited human potential were given to us at birth. They are available to all, and unlimitedly so.
Come and rediscover them and start creating a happy life for yourself and those around you.
It will help you discover the secrets of the mind, to understand how we function. Being happy is such a completely natural thing that many people don't even notice or realize they already know how to do it.
Come see it with them and live an active, creative life of love, peace and tranquility right from now on.
Thank you for covering this event.
To Evolution Hub
Evolution Hub is an experienced event agency that has organized more than 2000 events with more than 460 speakers from all over the world.
Thank you for co-hosting this event.