Together, let's create a world where listening is easier


Friday 24 MAY 2024


The Listening World is Beginning Just Now...

Opening of the Summit.

The whole event is moderated by Lejla Abbasová. 

Lejla Abbasová
Czech Republic
Katka Fišerová
Czech Republic
Kája Kofroňová
Czech Republic


True Listening

When we really listen, there is a space within us that is filled with life. We feel the heart and essence of the person we are listening to, and a deep connection is possible before any words are spoken. From this place of aliveness and connection, inspiration, creativity and new ideas are inevitably born. True listening ignites the human mind.

Michael Neill


The Forgotten, First, Primordial Listening

Listening is most often experienced as a subtle skill that we unconsciously acquire through experiences and feelings in situations where someone else is listening to us. At a more technical level, listening can be understood as a skill to be developed through curiosity and discipline. Yet there is still a first, primal listening that is natural to every human being, through which we have access to wisdom and guidance. Unfortunately, it is quickly drowned out in our lives by all other forms of listening. Let us return to encounter this first, primal listening, take advantage of all it has to offer, and discover how it can transform our lives.

Marina Galán




Leaning into Curves: Trusting the Wild Intuitive Way of Love

"Love is a way of listening to our practical intuitive intelligence that guides us through life. Love is our lifeboat."

None of us gets through life without having to grapple with difficult and sometimes sharp turns. When we lean into the curves and don't fight them, they can move us to a new level of understanding and love. Linda will describe how to follow the intuitive path of love and how to recognize and create moments when the invisible eyes of love open wide to help us see our next steps with crystal clarity during challenging times.

Linda Pettit


Listening from Love

When we listen we often listen to understand and to respond. We listen from our intellect. When we listen from love we are without judgment. We are just present to what shows up. Love is our essence, who we are beyond the intellect. Love is the energy that we all share. So when we listen from love we listen from our shared nature. Listening from this inner expanded space we hear everything differently and we show up differently. From our essence of love we see the world in a new light. Listening to ourselves from our loving essence creates healing and new opportunities, life becomes effortless and joyful when we listen from love. How often do you listen to yourself or others from this space?

Sanne Schroll Lønborg
Trine Høhrmann


Living in the Understanding

Join Derrick and Deborah for a conversation about loving life, isness, transformation and the profound simple miracle of being human.

Deborah Baron
Derrick Mason
United Kingdom


Wing of an Angel

How do you find the spark when you're at the bottom and nothing is worth it anymore? No matter how objectively hopeless your situation is, the way out will look very different than you ever imagined. When you see that it works for people who have been released from prison after serious crimes, you may reconsider that what seems impossible to you may just be your momentary personal point of view.

Jacqueline Hollows
United Kingdom




Recognizing Perfection in each Moment

You may have noticed how relentlessly we humans try to prove our worth. To show the world and ourselves that we are enough, that we lack nothing. We try to build a life that is meant to be an affirmation of our worth, or we seek it in self-development and spirituality. But what if it's not needed? What if our value and the satisfaction that comes with it is available in every moment? We just need to listen better to our own experience.

Lukáš Piperek
Slovak Republic


Panel Discussion - Misunderstandings about Listening Cost you Time and Money

Whether we work or own our own business, one of our goals is productivity. We want to create the most value in the shortest amount of time at the lowest cost. In this panel discussion, we will discuss the critical role of listening in productivity.

Moderated by Lukáš Piperek

Lukáš Piperek
Slovak Republic
Wyn Morgan
United Kingdom
Stef Cybichowski
United Kingdom
Aaron Turner
United Kingdom
Nikon Gormley


Universal Mind: Free Will and Free Won't

"There is one universal mind, common to all, and wherever you are, it is always with you."-Sydney Banks, The Missing Link. The mind is spiritual and formless. The brain is biological and formed. The mind drives and informs the brain, not the other way around.

In my opinion, the latest findings of neuroscience point to the following fact: The universal mind acts on the brain and prepares it for the next redemptive act before we even realize we are making a decision. As humans, we can accept a proposed action from the Universal Mind, or we can negate that healthy action in favor of something we think is better. We can use our Free Thought and Free Will to not have Free Will. This is fascinating!

Bill Pettit




Panel Discussion - Navigating Life's Challenges

This session explores how understanding ideas in conjunction with listening to inner wisdom transforms our experiences in even the most challenging situations. It opens up space for miracles.

Marie Abelová
Czech Republic
Tibor Abel
Czech Republic
Fiona Jacob
Claire Shutes
United Kingdom


SOS! I Need a Doctor! Or do I?

The number of psychiatric diagnoses and diagnosed patients, including children, is skyrocketing. Will everyone soon need a psychologist or psychiatrist? How is it possible that the level of well-being is increasing and the number of mentally healthy people is decreasing? The answer to this situation will have to be something very different from what we have tried to do so far. Does that answer exist yet?

Mark Howard
Dicken Bettinger
Kat Černá
Czech Republic





The Wisdom of Ages

Where is the hidden wisdom that helped create the pyramids, where did the knowledge come from? Where do new ideas come from, what gave rise to the mobile phone, the shoe, artificial intelligence? The infinite wisdom of all the ages of which we are a part is always hidden under the word "I don't know".

Lynne Robertson


Can AI Teach us Listen Better?

More and more powerful tools are coming into our hands - first radio and television, then computers and the internet, and now artificial intelligence. The tool itself is neither good nor bad; it is up to us how we use it. The more powerful the tool, the more that decision matters.

Frustrated, unhappy or fearful people are more likely to use the tool to gain power or to fight others. Happy and balanced people will use the same tool to help others and create great and beneficial things. Can AI help us take a good look at what kind of life we want to live, what inspires us and how to feel happier life?

Martin Jotov
Czech Republic


Consciousness & the Revolutionary Possibilities of New Discoveries

Quantum physics reveals the profound mystery of existence and how this mystery affects our perception of the world. Exploring quantum phenomena leads us to a new perspective on the nature of reality and our role in it, which has profound implications for our understanding of our own consciousness. Scientific discoveries are leading us to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a conscious being in a world that operates in a fundamentally different way than we originally thought.

Honza Rak
Czech Republic




Silence and Peace that we Secretly Crave

There is a place from which everything arises. That place is within each of us, waiting to be noticed. It's a place of miracles. Let's look within ourselves. Let us begin to notice this place and use its gifts in our lives.

David Kirš
Czech Republic
Karolína Kofroňová
Czech Republic


Never Stop Listening to the New

It's incredibly easy to convince ourselves in any situation that we are right or that there is no other way to see it. In fact there is always a possibility to see a situation differently, even quite fundamentally. How is that possible? Can you think of an example where that's not possible? Well, you can see how easy it is to be convinced. There's a catch, our mind plays a much larger role in our life than we think. We don't perceive a situation directly, we perceive our thinking in the context of a situation. However, our mind does not tell us that. How can we distinguish our own opinion and objective truth?

Natasha Swerdloff
Martin Jotov
Czech Republic
Aaron Turner
United Kingdom


It's that simple

Mavis Karn has worked with children in orphanages, schools and correctional facilities in the USA. She will share her many years of experience working with children and adults. We too are former children. She is the author of It's That Simple where she points out the basic principles of how we live. Her experiences will lead us to understanding the gifts we carry and rediscovering them. A simple guide to life, to living in love and being happy.

Mavis Karn




The zoo in our heads

The young coaches from the StarTeam-child coach project rehearsed a short theatre performance inspired by the short story by Fenella Blakaj about how knowledge of the three principles can help us cope with the difficulties that life brings.


Deep listening to children, without exception

What is it like to be in a state of deep listening with children? Fenella teaches Swiss school teachers how to work with children with a variety of needs from a place of love and deep listening.

Fenella Blakaj


Listening to stop conflict escalation

Genuine listening provides the moment of sanity to prevent any conflict from getting worse.  It allows for connection,  understanding and wisdom to win over revenge and an escalation of ill-will and revenge. 

With a rational mind we know that revenge brings back more of the same and the potential for higher and higher reactions. From here, everyone loses. What’s possible if we see another way? In this talk Wyn Morgan will share his own experience and case studies that can offer hope at an individual, country and global level that the future can be brighter for everyone by true listening.

Wyn Morgan
United Kingdom


Panel Discussion - Peace in the Midst of Hell

How can you live when war is raging around you? Can people stay calm in spite of all that is happening around them? Can people live a fulfilled life in the midst of war? Yes, they can. When you see that such a possibility exists, you may reconsider your opinion, no matter what crisis you or society is in the midst of.

Moderated by Kat Černá.

Kat Černá
Czech Republic
Jenny Gaitelband
Yael Abramson
Rob Cook
Masha Liashenko




Expanding the Game: Playing for Something Deeper in Life

Be inspired to push your limits with Expanding the Game: Play a Little Deeper in Life. Army veteran-turned-coach Rob Cook shares how his experiences overcoming challenges, celebrating victories, and learning from setbacks revealed that he can play life at a much deeper level than he ever imagined. The book Expanding the Game is a simple call to action for those on the path to a rich life filled with meaning.

Rob Cook


Listening within the Community

Marina Galán
Natasha Swerdloff
Kateřina Fišerová
Czech Republic


The Gift that Keeps on Giving

The beauty of insight into the nature of listening and a deeper understanding of what it means to be human is that the pleasant feelings it evokes don't end with the conference. Not only is everything you have seen yours, but the more you share it with others, the more other things you will see. This process of giving and re-giving is endless. While it's inevitable (and quite fun 🙂 to think about how things will continue to change and grow after our time together is over, it's even more exciting to carry your new understanding of life, listening, and who and what you really are further into your life and see what happens!

Michael Neill
Kateřina Fišerová
Czech Republic
